Monday, January 16, 2012

cider and the downfall of tim tebow

Before I go into anything about cider, let me first say how much pleasure I got watching the embarrassment of an offensivive effort that was put forth by tim tebow and the broncos.  Ben has been bathing in tebow all year and I've had to listen to him talk non-stop about how all tebow does is win.  I guess it's over now and I couldn't be more pleased.

A lot of our efforts recently have been on locking down a plan for canning our cider.  We have gotten a lot of positive reviews, along with people asking where they can get our cider in stores.  We're working to make that happen.  I might have mentioned this before, but there is a law that says beer and cider can't be packaged in the same facility.  It doesn't make any sense, and prevents us from making our cider and shipping it to a packaging facility.  We have to do it all ourselves, which is a bit of a change in our plans, however, it is not such a bad thing to have the ability to control every aspect as the liquid goes from fresh-pressed sweet cider to a finished hard cider in a six-pack.

To finish off the post this week, and all future posts I suppose, I'll be giving some kind of personal insight into our lives.  We went to the pawn shop the other day and bought Madden '10 for $5 (which seems like a preposterously good deal).  Needless to say, I am the champ right now (and to Ben and Tyler, when you read this: "yes, no you won't, and I'll do it as the Rams"), but the real story is how awful Ben is at football video games.  I can't describe how lopsided our life record is.  From when we met in high school and I was spanking him in ESPN 2K5 during "senior english thesis writing sessions" I have been beating him mercilessly into the ground.  Must be why he likes tebow; empathy.

I caught some flack for making fun of Tyler and Ben last week and not mentioning myself.  I thought about it, but I'm the writer, so instead I'll include a pleasant picture of myself riding a bicycle 5 years ago.  Enjoy your week:

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