Monday, February 27, 2012


Good news, aka our new kegs, arrived last Friday.  After about three weeks of enduring the debilitating stress of living day to day with our kegs, we more than doubled our cooperage, bringing our total number of kegs to 201.  This should be enough kegs to service about 50 accounts.  These are all kegs that we own.  From here on out we won't be purchasing kegs any more, but instead, renting them.  Like I have written before, you need about 4 kegs per account.  If we were to have cider in 200 accounts, we would need about 800 kegs, which at $100/keg, we'd be looking at $80,000 in kegs.  Obviously we don't have 80 grand to sink into kegs, which is why we're going to rent now.  We have 330 of these kegs coming, which will give us well over 500 kegs.  Very exciting...for us at least.

I'd like to reiterate our thanks to everyone who showed up at Brian Boru last Saturday.  It was great talking to everyone, and we appreciate your support and kind words about our cider.  You drank a ton of it too.  We had a great time and if you're the owner/manager/bartender/influential-because-of-the-massive-quantity-you-drink at a bar, and you want us to come do a promo night, give us a call or email and we'll come party like it's the spring of 08'

Side note: we promise not to actually party like it's the spring of '08, and for the matter, the entire duration of our 4 years in college.

Double side note: We have been invited to do a tasting at Bates by the good Dean Tannenbaum.  I hope you have a sense of humor sir, because strong doesn't even begin to describe how strong the irony is that I, along with Ben and Tyler, will be invited back to Bates to PROMOTE drinking.  We obviously won't be funneling Beast Ice, but still...

Triple side note about sense of humor:  About four years ago I was sitting in the Dean's office at Bates College being read an email that I had sent to my dorm.  Two grown adults were reading an email that included such topics as urination in the elevator and defecation in the hallways of our dorm, all in reference to the out of hand drinking that populated Parker Hall, forcing me to admit that my mockery of the situation was in bad taste and poor humor.  Straight faced, line by line, looking me in the eyes.  The jury's still out on that one...


  1. Hi guys - big fan of your cider. Simply the best I've ever had. But the reason I'm commenting is to say it's a small world - I knew "Dean" Tannenbaum when he was an RA and I was a student at Wheaton. So I am appreciating the irony.

    Good luck!
